The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus

Competition ID #: 7743
Status: Finished
Submitted by: INQ Taurus
Competition dates: 2024-01-01 - 2024-04-30
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Dark Brotherhood

Dark Greetings,

this year we arise stronger then before. Changes are coming, changes that will modify us. One of this changes is "The Guard".
The Guard is an organization in our subgroup dedicated to protect and fight. Every game you play, every activity you complete will let you earn points, points that will rank you against everyone else. The best six will get a permanent title on their profile.
If you play PvP; your points will get automatically added.
For SP please send me a screenshot of your BSF of a completed TIE/XvT/XWA-DB Battle. Every Battle is capped for one new Submission per month and you can send me the files in one mail in the end of a month or every time you completed a battle.
If you compete in a competition that is gaming related (or activities like puzzles), you get a specific amount of points for every crescent earned. A Spreadsheet will be provided on the Discord, where a scoreboard will be listed.
This competition calculates in all activities done between January 1st 2024 until April 30th 2024.

Competition awards:

Crescents awarded based on Participation (up to Diamond Tier)
Titles: Unique Titles to be won based on your placement:
1st: Guardian of the Council
2nd: Guardian of the First Circle
3rd: Guardian of the Second Circle
4th: Guardian of the Third Circle
5th: Guardian of the Fourth Circle
6th: Guardian of the Fifth Circle

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
KS MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For the most entries from different approved platforms, singleplayer and multiplayer, Marauder KEBLAOMEGA has shown great entries for "The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus". Well-deserved and congratulation! 2024-05-01
Cr-D CM Habu For winning "The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus" with a commending lead of 1720 points, Stalker Habu has earned himself first place and a well-deserved Crescent with Diamond Star! Congratulation Guardian! 2024-05-01
Cr-R COL TheBlackxRanger For the Runner up of "The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus" with 975 points, Warrior TheBlackxRanger has earned himself second place and a Crescent with Ruby Star! Congratulation Guardian! 2024-05-01
Cr-A MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For the close third place in "The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus" with 949 points, Marauder KEBLAOMEGA has earned himself a Crescent with Amethyst Star! Congratulation Guardian! 2024-05-01
Cr-S VA Locke Setzer For the forth place in "The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus" with 416 points, Knight Locke Setzer has earned himself a Crescent with Sapphire Star! Congratulation Guardian! 2024-05-01
Cr-E CPT Blaster72 For the fifth place in "The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus" with 325 points, Stalker Brutalist has earned himself a Crescent with Emerald Star! Congratulation Guardian! 2024-05-01
Cr-T CM Vanguard88 For the sixth place in "The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus" with 209 points, Marauder Vanguard has earned himself a Crescent with Topaz Star! Congratulation Guardian! 2024-05-01
Cr-Q GN Coranel Both For the seventh place in "The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus" with 95 points, Inquisitor Coranel Both got a Crescent with Quartz Star! Congratulation! 2024-05-01