Lieutenant Mauro Wynter (#56453)

Call sign: Vapor
TIE Corps
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Code Cylinders

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RSV/LT Mauro Wynter/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
ISM/MoC-boc/ORA/LoS-CS/OV [Qualified]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: TIE Corps (Active)
Group join date: 2022-11-23
(over 1 year ago)
Rank: Lieutenant
(2022-12-05 - over 1 year ago)
Positions: Reservist
Assigned unit: Reserves
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: "The only way forward, is through"
Uniform of LT Mauro Wynter
Last Updated: 2022-12-03
Personal Craft
T/B Haakon XII

T/B Haakon XII
Type: TIE Bomber

Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                1st Echelon

Flight Certified - 1st Echelon
Points: 17

Combat Rating (MP PvE):

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Unranked (0 points)
Total missions completed: 0
Battles completed: 0
Free missions completed: 0
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Unranked (0 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Qualified (17 points)

Combat Record

This pilot has not participated in any combat engagements.

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2023-03-18 1y,2m,19d RSV/LT Mauro Wynter/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
2023-03-18 LT Mauro Wynter
2022-12-05 3m,12d FM/LT Mauro Wynter/Sigma 2-2/Wing II/ISDII Warrior/Battlegroup II
2022-12-02 3d FM/SL Mauro Wynter/Sigma 2-2/Wing II/ISDII Warrior/Battlegroup II
2022-12-02 SL Mauro Wynter
2022-12-02 TRN/SL Mauro Wynter/IWATS
2022-11-23 8d TRN/CT Mauro Wynter/IWATS
Award History
Date Information

Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 1 year total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For communications during the month of December 2022.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean


Imperial Security Medal

After a spectacular first month in the TIE Corps, I recommend Lieutenant Mauro Wynter for an Imperial Security Medal. Completing TCCORE, SM/5, Unit Leadership IU courses, filling out their INPR and submitting a new uniform along with a healthy amount of Legions of Skirmish awarded more than justifies this award. Congratulations!

Recommended by: MAJ JetMech


Operational Readiness Award

For submitting a holiday holo message of at least 600 words, I proudly recommend LT Mauro Wynter be awarded the Operational Readiness Award.

Recommended by: COL Westric Davalorn for competition Holos for the Holidays: TIE Corps Edition

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Lieutenant Mauro Wynter
Current ID line: RSV/LT Mauro Wynter/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of birth: 3 ABY
Place of birth: Raxus Prime
Marital status: Single
Family information: Mauro Wynter’s parents were Separatist holdouts that met on Raxus Prime in the waining years of the Clone Wars. As the planet was relegated as an industrial backwater Mauro’s mother dreamed of returning to the luxuries that the Core offered and abandoned her husband and son when Mauro was seven years old.

Mauro’s father was traumatized by his wife’s betrayal and signed up with a company of Umbaran mercenaries that were also ex-Separatist castaways with no enemy left to fight once the Empire collapsed. In truth this group were pirates in all but name that were eventually hunted down by Corporate Sector Authority forces.

Mauro was orphaned by the age of 12 and has no known kin.
Social status: Mauro was raised in the upper echelons of a working class family. His parents being somewhat prominent Separatists they were still held in high regard on Raxus Prime but were denied economic advancement first by the Empire and then by the limited prospects of Raxus Prime.

Despite these modest means, Mauro was afforded a top notch education and excelled academically. His entrance and advancement in the local institutions on Raxus Prime afforded a type of prestige.
Significant events of childhood: Once Mauro’s parents both left him by age twelve he was at a crossroads. The need to survive led him to become a salvager and trader of what goods he could find. In doing so he gained some acumen in trade and logistics that afforded him the ability to work and make ends meet but also spend free time in school receiving an education that would soon allow him the ability to travel off world.
Significant events of adulthood: Once entering adulthood Mauro knew he needed to leave the industrial wasteland that was Raxus Prime or he would turn into a relic like the planet itself living on past glories. To that end he enlisted with the Corporate Sector Authority and attained citizenship and worked his way up the military ladder on the administrative and logistics branches before leaving to pursue other opportunities.
Alignment and attitude: Mauro is sharply aligned to order and protocol. While he is a stickler for protocol and regulations he himself often finds ways to cleverly side step them when warranted. His attitude is so charismatic and humorous that his superiors and peers tend to not even perceive these slights.
Previous occupations: Mauro started his career as a merchant and entered the world of commerce. However he yearned for more adventure and further challenges. As such he enlisted with the Corporate Sector Authority military forces. Due to his education and background he became a logistics officer in their Navy.
Hobbies Mauro likes to smoke and read in his off hours as well as keep physically fit and stay abreast of the politics and economics of the Emperor’s Hammer territories.
Tragedies in life: Mauro’s primary tragedies involved his parents. First, his mother abandoning the family to return to the Core and secondly his father being terminated for piracy.
Phobias and allergies: Mauro has a fear of being abandoned in the blackness of space after battle.
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: Mauro views the Emperor’s Hammer as the last bastion of order and prestige left in the galaxy. While he did not and does not agree with Imperial policies under Palpatine he is very pro militarism and order.
Reason for enlisting in the Emperor's Hammer: Mauro enlisted in the Emperor’s Hammer after finding employment with the Corporate Sector Authority limited and dull. Mauro seeks a challenge and wanted to push himself further than for profits. Specifically, the strict hierarchy and elite fighter pilot ethos is what drew him to the organization.
Last updated: 2022-12-02

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Battle/mission reviews: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2024-02-10 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2023-02-03 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2023-01-24 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2023-01-05 Medal awarded: Operational Readiness Award (ORA)
2022-12-16 Medals awarded: 6 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-12-13 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-12-07 Course passed: Unit Leadership [UL] - 100%
2022-12-05 New promotion: Lieutenant (LT)
2022-12-04 Course passed: Squadron Management 5 [SM/5] - 100%
2022-12-04 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 1st Echelon
2022-12-04 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Qualified
2022-12-04 Medals awarded: 10 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-12-04 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Beginner
2022-12-02 Course passed: TIE Corps Core [TCCORE] - 81%
2022-12-02 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-11-23 Joined the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps as Mauro Wynter

Showing all 16 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Imperial Security Medal

The Imperial Security Medal is typically awarded by Squadron Commanders to Flight Members or Flight Leaders within their squadrons who have shown exceptional service and dedication to the squadron.

Merit Awards


Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (1)
Competition Award End Date
Holos for the Holidays: TIE Corps Edition Operational Readiness Award 2022-12-31
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Squadron Management 5 100% 2022-12-04
TIE Corps Core 81% 2022-12-02
Unit Leadership 100% 2022-12-07

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Empire at War
Star Conflict Mauro Wynter
Other Games
Game Player Name