GM Report # 0 (2001-06-22)

This report was submitted by FA Chi Long

GM's DB report:

1) I have now got an ADSL connection in my apartment, and as many people have seen I've been on IRC a whole lot lately.

2) Now that I'm back to full access, I've begun doing some updates I wanted to do before... some DSC things are being redone, some new competitions are being planned, and a revamp of the website is underway (and should be done by the meeting, I hope).

3) I have begun reviewing the performance of the DC... thusfar, after a replacement or two, I have found that the DB is recovering nicely from the last two GMs... Everyone (with the exception of a small few... you can't please everyone) seems to be quite happy, and the DB is again becoming an enjoyable passtime for many.

4) There is a new KHP... Mairin Astoris. There is also a new HM... Mejas Doto. I am confident they will both perform well in their positions.

5) I'd like to thank DGM Astatine for making reports for me while I was unable to... it's very frustrating to have internet access, but not time for IRC... or report making... I have promoted DGM Astatine to DJP for his hard work while I've been limited.

6) That's it for this week... of course, the holocron will be the next report I send... it will be released Sunday, as usual.

GM Chi Long

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